Forest Adventures, lovstvo, športne dejavnosti in dejavnosti za prosti čas, d.o.o.

Forest Adventures, Bear Watching & forest hiking tours, d.o.o.

4.7 (19 mnenj)

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  • ponedeljek 7.00 do 21.00
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

19 mnenj

Super spannender Ausflug. Haben 3 Bären beim Kekse futtern beobachten können. Leider war es schon zu dunkel um Fotos zu machen. Sehr empfehlenswerte Erfahrung 🤗


Heureusement qu'on avait pas vendu la peau de l'ours... A part des geais, rien vu.


We had an amazing experience bear watching on 20th July 2024. The guide was conversational and engaging from the start, teaching us about bears, their behaviours and how we should behave around them. He showed us lots of videos and taught us about Slovenia. We were fortunate to see a bear for a short time, a boar and a couple of foxes. Unfortunately, the boar scared the bear off! It was an exciting adventure and we would happily do it again.




Auch wenn wir leider keiner Bären gesehen haben war es ein richtig tolles Erlebnis. Die Kommunikation und Reservierung vorab lief einwandfrei. Matej war sehr bemüt hat all unsere Fragen beantwortet und uns viele Infos gegeben. Bei Anbruch der Dunkelheit konnten wir immerhin einen Fuchs sehen und am Weg zurück zum Auto wurden wir mit dem Geheule von Schakalen verabschiedet. So spannend kann Natur sein 😊 Wir kommen bestimmt wieder um unser Glück nochmal zu versuchen.


Forest Adventures is by far the best tour provider in this part of Europe. You will be delighted with their guides and forest activity programs. Very recomended.


We had a great time with Forest Adventure, our guide Danny was very fun and made everything possible for us to have a good time. The bears came out at the last minute and we saw two babies. I felt safe the whole way, we learned many things, from the booking via WhatsApp to the pickup everything was easy, would recommend to my friends and family ! Thank you forest adventure !


We went a family of 4 people, we went able to see a Wolf, a Bear, a fox and a little dormouse. The guide, Dani was also super friendly and explained us everything perfectly. Also the family price was the best option.


Guide sympa et une bonne expérience en général. Malheureusement nous n'avons pas vu d'ours. Il serait à priori venu 30 minutes après la tombée totale de la nuit, dommage. On a quand même vu de chouettes renards jouer ensemble, ainsi qu'un furet. Mieux que rien !


Of course it is nature and you never know if or how long you gonna see an animal. Though short, we got lucky to see a bear. The communication in advance was very nice, flexible and promt. Fair price, a lot of explanations and we even got excess to the photos of that night. Thank you so much for everything, it was a pleasure. Only piece of advice is maybe allowing only older children (10+).


Unfortunately for us we did not have the opportunity to see any bear (only few foxes). So our long wait (3h) ended in deception and we did not get much explanations or details during this experience. Not to forget this is quite expansive. PS : thank you for your reply, which is fare and I respect this too. May I just precise that I completely respected all requirements (not moving / not talking etc.). And we did note indeed that the odds are only 80% to see a bear in daylight (but there is not point to explain to your clients that bear is 100% coming at night since we leave the observatory as soon as the night comes). I only put a 3 stars notation since we were waiting for some information or details during this experience but we did not get them because you accepted two groups of clients and unfortunately for us we were in the second car, driven by a nice person but not familiar with this kind of experience so we missed the whole briefing / explanation that has been given in the first car with the guide during the car travel 😕


Mathe is very friendly and professional. Tries his very best to make sure everyone sees the bears. The observatories are comfortable and you have a great view! We saw some bears at the start of nightfall and it was a great experience. Make sure you are willing to sit still for a few hours and you will have a great time spotting wildlife.


3 h d attente puis le bonheur de voir à la tombée de la nuit ( 21h30 ) une maman OURS + 2 BB !!! J oubliais 2 BLAIREAUX , dex geais et des palombes en bonus. Notre guide Chasseur d ours très sympa. À faire une fois dans sa vie JUILLET 2023


Good experience with our guide, observing bears in nature was incredible, it worth the wait.


We had a fantastic bear watching tour with our guide who is passionate and super knowledgeable on everything about nature. He shared so many interesting insights with us. We were also lucky to see a bear and a jackal from close. We recommend this tour 100% !


Wir waren mit 2 Kindern und es war einfach genial. Die frei lebende Bären in der Wildnis zu sehen richtig geil.. Wir haben auf dem gemütlichen Hochstuhl ungefähr 1,5 Stunden gewartet, dann ist der Bär gekommen. Es war unglaublich spannend und gleichzeitig ruhig. Sehr professionell organisiert. Daumen hoch 👍 und 5 Sterne.


Très belle expérience avec Ervin. Nous l’avons suivi avec nos 2 enfants de 11 et 13 ans dans un poste d’observation aux sièges très confortables. Au bout d’1 h d’attente, un ours est arrivé, et nous avons pu l’observer tranquillement pendant une vingtaine de minutes. C’était un très beau moment. Par contre, il fait très chaud ensemble la cabane, ne vous habillez pas trop chaudement !


We had booked a bear watching tour with this organization and had the good fortune to see one. Friendly guide who had a lot to say about nature, wild life and the country itself. I would like to relive this unique experience again Hiking trips can also be booked




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