B2 IT is the right choice for anyone who wants to improve their computer skills. I attended the Excel course for demanding users and was impressed by the professional approach, expert lecturers and useful examples from practice. The lecturers are patient, explain perfectly and know how to motivate you to use the knowledge immediately in your daily work. I would also like to praise the very clear and structured material, which complements the lecturer's explanation very nicely. An assistant was also present at our course, who immediately came to help if you got stuck somewhere. I really warmly recommend it to everyone👏👏
Nada V.
B2 computer workshops are a shadow of what they used to be, so don't waste your time and money. The company is just "trailing" to its old glory.
I attended the workshops a couple of years ago and the difference between the experience a couple of years ago and now is like night and day. Given that the prices of their services are high (which, in my opinion, they have sometimes justified with quality content), I would expect much more.
Recently, we had a bad experience in the company with a workshop for innovations in Excel 365 - we got practically the same course as a few years ago. Actually worse, because the lecturer was practically reading from the files with us what we were going to do. And worst of all, the exercises were identical to the beginner's course a few years ago (some files dated 2015). Even the printed material was practically the same. They sold something completely different - find out what's new to stay up to date.
I don't recommend it.
It is not right for you to make excuses for a poor job on your part and accuse me of impersonation. Did you perhaps think that I was registered for the education with a work email address?
I certainly took part in advanced Excel training. I expressed my disagreement with what was implemented verbally to the lecturer as well as in the survey that I handed over to your lecturer at the end of the workshop. He agreed that the textbooks were indeed a bit behind the times.
Nenad L.
you are useless, you can really find a school like that in Africa alone, poor communication with the student and brashness, with ties to exams, you can't even talk when you have to. Waste of money. At the beginning, you promise a lot, but when you get the money, there is no communication. you are an insult
Nikola A.
Žiga D.
Odlična zasebna šola! Odlični profesorji, odlično osebje! Pridobljeno zelo veliko znanja. Profesorji so vedno na voljo za pomoč, vedno iščejo znanje, se prilagodijo posameznikom ter nikoli niso taki kot v "navadnih" šolah kjer profesorji iščejo v dijakih/študentih samo neznanje. Nikoli ni bil problem če si zamudil na uro, nikoli ni bilo komplikacij in zajebavanja v glavo ampak vedno pomoč in podpora! Super ste, ostanite taki še naprej. Priporočam 10/10.
špela m.
Nina M.
Eva H.
B2 je resnično najboljša šola. Profesorji se prilagajajo tvojemu času, če ne razumeš snovi med predavanjem, poveš profesorju in ostane s tabo sam po koncu predavanja, in ti še × razloži. Testi pa niso lahki, če ne sodeluješ, to pa ne! Prijazna šola ampak na nivoju.! Tudi računalniški tečaji so mega! Tam mi je bilo pa mega!!!
Jaka M.
Podjetje, ki vam in vašim sodelavcem pomaga razviti rešitve za digitalizacijo poslovanja ali vas opolnomoči z digitalnimi veščinami za kvalitetno delo.
Janja M.
Super in kvalitetna izvedba računalniških izobraževanj, priporočam.