Šolt zavod za izobraževanje

3.5 (8 mnenj)

Napiši svoje mnenje
Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Šolt zavod za izobraževanje, učni center v mestu ljubljana.
Jezikovni, strokovni, računalniški in športni tečaji. Ponujamo tudi skupinske in individualne inštrukcije. Zavod ŠOLT, vedno ob pravem času.
  • ponedeljek 8. do 16. ure
  • torek 8. do 16. ure
  • sreda 8. do 16. ure
  • četrtek 8. do 16. ure
  • Petek 8.00 do 13.00
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

8 mnenj

I passed class in July and I was told I will get a certificate of finishing the class (that I need for job ) is November and I still don’t have certificate. I texted them several times no response, I called them they were super rude told me that I should call them before and that the teacher haven’t contacted them yet? Since July to November? Really disappointed with the service. The service I paid was not what I was promised before paying it.


My experience with Zavod ŠOLT was both disappointing and frustrating. The first term featured an instructor who, while knowledgeable, lacked effective engagement skills for adult learners and rushed through the content. Despite paying for in-person sessions, many classes were held online, which is not what I signed up for. The second term was conducted exclusively online, despite the payment for in-person instruction, significantly impacting the quality of the learning experience. Despite my genuine effort and enthusiasm, the course left me demotivated and dissatisfied. During the last few lessons, I was the only learner who did not drop out. The other learners simply stopped attending, which speaks volumes. The school's lack of accountability and negative response to my complaint further underscored the poor experience. I cannot recommend this language school based on my experience.


I strongly recommend avoiding this school. Firstly, we agreed with this school at the beginning of the year that the whole course would have a physical classroom option. This was the reason why we chose this school over others. We were then told that the classes would change to remote-only, without asking us whether we agree with this change. We complained about it to the teacher, and she actually commented that we had been misinformed by the school management. Secondly, the quality of teaching in the second semester was below any acceptable norms. For example, the teacher talked about herself in English for minutes, as if we were in a group counselling session, and allowed other students to do the same. We finished the second semester knowing less than we did before it. The students became so demotivated that only one person showed up for the last two classes. Some dropped out far earlier. Thirdly, both of the teachers we had were making inappropriate remarks. For example, regarding age or personal looks. It was extraordinarily primitive. Overall, I strongly recommend avoiding this school.


Dobri programi in predavatelji




Imela sem predavanja preko Zooma in sem bila zelo zadovoljna. Priporočam učenje tujega jezika. Je ugodno, prilagodilljivo, če imate službo kar je super. Znanje je bilo isto, kakor bi ga osvojila, če bi imela predavanja v učilnici.






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