Gujžina - Slovenska kulinarika na vegetarijansko veganski način

4.0 (1156 mnenj)

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Güjžina – Tradicionalna slovenska kulinarika pripravljena na vegetarijansko veganski način
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Ne
  • Skupine: Da
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  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
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  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • ponedeljek 11h do 23h
  • torek 11h do 23h
  • sreda 11h do 23h
  • četrtek 11h do 23h
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

1156 mnenj

Odlična hrana i postrezba




Wir haben hier sehr lecker gegessen, eine Art veganes Gulasch, Dödöle (hammermäßig lecker dazu) und vegane Gnocchi mit Pilzen. Mehrere Gerichte zu bestellen und zu teilen empfiehlt sich, da die Portionen nicht riesig sind - jedoch äußerst schmackhaft und schön angerichtet. Zum Nachtisch teilten wir uns eine Portion veganes "Gibanica" im Glas - absolute Empfehlung! Die Bedienung war sehr freundlich und es herrscht eine entspannte Atmosphäre. Einzig die Preise liegen etwas höher als es die Portionen und der Service meiner Meinung nach hergeben.


Rezervirali smo mizo za 4 osebe. Ko smo prišli nas je sprejela natakarica, katere prve besede so bile 'je za pocakat, mamo guzvo'. Miza ni bila rezervirana, ocitno smo imeli sreco, da smo sploh dobili mizo. Na meni smo čakali pol ure, na predjed dodatnih 45 minut. Pri predjedi nismo dobili pribora. Nadaljnje pol ure za glavno jed. Hrana sicer zelo dobra, bograč postrezen mlacen.


I took the 3 sausages but they are actually like 1 with a vegan soup. Quite a disappointment.


We spent a night in Ljubljana before heading to Punk Rock Holiday so we treated ourselves to a nice dinner. I read mixed reviews of this place, with a lot of people saying it's expensive but personally I thought the food was worth the money. It's a fully vegetarian restaurant but they can make the dishes vegan on request. We went for the bograč which was a sort of stew with seitan and potatoes, two types of dödöle - a potato dumpling, and a creamy tagliatelle with smoked ham and pumpkin seeds. Honestly everything was delicious, if we had spent more time in Ljubljana I'd definitely be going back here to try some other dishes. The service was great and it was lovely to sit out on the cobbled street and watch the world go by while enjoying delicious homemade food.


Ottimi cibo e vino! Prezzi corretti. La torta è fantastica!


Cibo tipico proposto in versione vegana…una scelta apprezzata ed interessante. Location curata bene, situata nel centro storico della meravigliosa Liubiana. Personale competente, che non si fa scrupoli a dimostrare il proprio carattere.


Alle 18.40 già persone in coda per assicurarsi un tavolo. La trattoria è nelle guide turistiche, quindi nei periodi di punta è difficile trovare un tavolo. Bisogna andare presto perché, almeno nel nostro caso, non hanno preso la prenotazione al mattino per la cena. Siamo stati ripagati da una buona cucina: vegetariano e vegano ma di ottima qualità e veramente gustoso a costo onesto.. Consigliato


To be experienced only as a required element in an academic research project in customer service failings. Even then, I would find some interns if at all possible - preferably well fed overweight undergrads who may benefit from the hour long waits for no food to arrive. Please cost in the “sitting charge” when applying for grants.


Fantastyczne jedzenie i pyszny deser!


Comment faire pire comme accueil??? 30 minutes d'attente sans passer la commande alors que les serveurs nous tournent autour. Aucun ne semble nous voir. La terrasse est pleine mais ce n'était pas la folie non plus.... Pas un geste, pas d'eau sur la table, juste les cartes.... pour rien!!!!!


Good food, but WARNING it's VEGAN. You wont get traditional Slovenian food because traditionally, especially on the countrysides which this restaurant should represent, we eat a lot of meat such as Bograč with sausages and koline. 2 stars because it is NOT traditional and not stated it is vegan before getting a menu in hand and actually knowing most dishes should have meat in them. (so tourists, beware)


Posto molto carino nella via centrale. Purtroppo come in molti ristoranti di Lubiana non si può prenotare. Abbiamo fatto un po' di fila per cena però ne è valsa la pena. Non avevamo capito che era un ristorante vegetariano però siamo rimasti contenti. Salsiccie veg molto buone e anche i primi. Dolce altrettanto buono e conto super onesto. Acqua un po' cara ma ci sta. È un posto in cui tornerei.


Food is very good. We tried some traditional dodoles. The thing that stood out was the traditional Slovenian cake « prekmurska gibanica ». The negative point is the lack of staff, they are understaffed for the high season and we had to wait a long time for our order to be taken and our food to be served.


Service was so rude that we’ve left without ordering.


Someone forgot that restsurants are for customers. At first we were told in rude way that we should not rearrange table outside (we were 9 ppl group) and that place is for vegans… we were denied to eat outside. I would like to go there since menu looks good but because of service I will not.


Wir waren begeistert von dem Lokal und vor allem von der veganen Auswahl! Wir haben zu zweit drei Hauptgerichte gewählt (Gulasch, Döddelnik, vegane Wurstauswahl) und dann je einen Teller bekommen und wir konnten alles durch probieren. Das ist wirklich die beste Möglichkeit so viel wie möglich zu testen. Ich finde es immer wieder spannend wie viele Leute auf der Tür vom Lokal lesen 'healthy traditional food' und sie möchten dann unbedingt dort essen. Dann wird ihnen klar, dass es kein Fleisch gibt und dann mag man es plötzlich nicht mehr. Leute, - leckeres Essen hat echt nichts damit zum tun ob Fleisch dabei ist oder nicht. Diese Alternativen sind einfach köstlich und einen Versuch wert! Einziger Minuspunkt: wir wurden eine Zeit lang übersehen und mussten von uns aus nach der Karte bitten.


Sehr leckeres Essen. Große vegane Auswahl traditioneller slowenischer Gerichte. Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen. Allerdings bildet sich vor dem Restaurant schnell eine lange Schlange, also lohnt sich ein Besuch vor allem am frühen Abend, wenn man in der Hauptsaison nicht lange warten möchte.


Haben das vegane light steak und Tagliatelle in Pilzsoße bestellt. Tagliatelle absolut empfehlenswert. Das vegane steak ist für die Qualität massiv überteuert. Schmeckt wie Kaugummi und hauchdünn.




I had to wait a long time to be seated, since there were many people, but the food was very good. They offer you Slovenian dishes in a vegan version, which is great if you are vegan so you can experience their kitchen as well. Just be careful at the prices, some things can be expensive (water).


Food was ok, but Bograč was very good though! The service was awful. Everyone of the staff (5) was completely unfriendly and it took a really long time to get the menu and to order and also the food. We asked for more bread and she just threw the basket on the table without any word..


Accueil froid, nous sommes arrivés à 6 et ils nous ont refusé, obligés de demander nous-mêmes s’il était possible de manger sur deux tables séparées, second refus puis une autre personne accepte pour nous installer sur deux tables proches qu’on n’avait pas le droit de rapprocher … Cuisine végétarienne/vegan sans réel goût. Heureusement le vin était bon.




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