Gujžina - Slovenska kulinarika na vegetarijansko veganski način

4.0 (1156 mnenj)

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Güjžina – Tradicionalna slovenska kulinarika pripravljena na vegetarijansko veganski način
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
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  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
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  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
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  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
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  • Bar na kraju: Da
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  • ponedeljek 11h do 23h
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

1156 mnenj



At the heart of Ljubljana, this is one of the best places to try authentic Slovenian food but vegetarian. They adapted the dishes to vegetarian and did a great job of it. Went there as a part of a food and wine tour and loved it. Try something with pumpkin seed oil.




Super Essen!


Najbolja Prekomurska gibanica u Ljubljani 😊😊😊


Disons que nous avons eu une mauvaise expérience et n'en parlons plus. Il y a peut-être des personnes qui aiment les plats insipides et bourratifs. Pour ceux-là, je recommande.


Sehr zu empfehlen!!! einfach nur gut 😃




This was definitly the best restraunt we went to in all of slovania. The mix of the vegan gulash and the potato dumplings was exactly what we needed. The gulash was super rich and savory and worked perfectly topped with the dumplings and barley. There were two types of dumplings, one that was essentially a fried potato ball with sour cream and the other a potato dumping. Both were great in their own way and gave a nice contrast to the gulash. The server was super friendly and made our stay wonderful. Definitely give this place a shot if you’re in town.


There was so much choice on the menu, we didn't know what to get or what went with what so we ordered poorly! We didn't realise that nothing came with vegetables and we hadn't ordered any salads or veg (they do salads, cabbage and pickled French beans). The seitan Bograč goulash starter was very nice and came in a hanging pot which was cool. I made the mistake of just getting dödöle for my main which was far too stodgy (baked flour and potato dumplings with onions and cream) and I couldn't eat it all. I should have had it with the starter. My partner had dark vegan steak with I think deep fried potato. We didn't try dessert as we were stuffed full of beige stodge. I would rather eat fresh veggie dishes that the fake meat alternatives. They were very busy as there was no space outside, but they let us sit inside in a separate part of the restaurant by the toilets (there seems to be two or three entrances to different self contained areas). It was quiet in that section but we didn't mind. The poor waiter seemed to be dashing about by himself so service was a bit slow. We stopped here a second time for turnip soup and some wine as part of a food tour and I would say the turnip soup was excellent, highly recommended.


Naročila sem golaž in je bil kot tapravi. To priporočam. Pšenični Zrezek in dodole je bil pa presuh oz. Manjkala je omaka zraven. Dobra hrana in priporočam!


While I love their food, I was not impressed this time. I have ordered vegan prekmurska gibanica. While this dessert is usually delicious and I have eaten vegan version of it before elsewhere, this was disappointing. Usually ingredients are laid out in layers, but here they are put in 3 piles. Eating spoonfuls of poppy seeds is just not appetizing. I wouldn't recommend this dessert to anyone, even though I would like everyone to try vegan food. This one doesn't do anyone any favours.






Žal moram svojo oceno izpred let, ko sem Gujžini dal zelo suvereno 5 zvezdic, spremeniti v absolutno 1 zvezdico, po novem si še te ne zasluži. Hrana (okus, seatavine, tekstura) nima popolnoma nobene veze s hrano, ki so jo stregli včasih. Že leta in leta jem pri vas dodoljev tris in zelo dobro vem kaj pričakovati...zdaj je bil to obup! Prav tako gobova "omaka", redčena z vodo v razmerju 1:20...nekako tako je zglwdala tudi ženina gobova juha v katero so namesto gob natresli kruh, kot da je ena raca. Sestavine najslabše možne kvalitete, na dodolu sem si skoraj zlomil zob, pojedel sem samo pol porcije pa še to me je želodec pekel celo noč. Izbor glasbe? A se hecate, dalmatinske/balkan in to v "avtohtoni" SLOVENSKI restavraciji?! Osebje čisto drugo, kot smo ga bili vajeni, zelo očitno tudi kuhar drug. Moja teorija je, da je gospa zadevo ali: a.) prodala južnim bratom (škoda) b.) je biznis šel tako slabo, da je spremenila koncept in šla iz vrhunske restavracije z izjemno kvalitetnimi seatavinami v obrat za pridobivanje denarja (prav tako škoda). Kakorkoli, izgubili ste redno stranko, k vam niti slučajno ne pridem nikoli več, saj ste nas z vašo hrano imeli za norca.


Sehr gute und frische (warme) Gibanica, und gut starker Kaffee mit Milch (sie haben auch vegane Drinks statt Milch)




It was a great time, we wanted to try a traditional cake. The atmosphere was nice, and waiters were so kind, but when the cafe is full of guests, it's little bit noisy


We ordered the green pesto gnocchi and the porcini gnocchi. The green pesto gnocchi was very bland. Both sauces were quite stodgy. The bread served was very stale. We also ordered the tomato salad which was fresh but also a bit bland. Servers were pleasant and atmosphere was nice enough.


We had the Döbele and it was delicious! Also the selfmade vegan sauce was amazing! Price is fair as it was a lot.


I was really impressed. They’ve embraced what all vegetarian restaurants should embrace: you don’t need meat replacements to make a good place! Their food was excellent. We had three different pasta dishes and could easily have come back again for them. Stand out was the pesto one.


Odsvetujem obisk restavracije hrana pogreta v mikrovalovki nobenega okusa gledaš kuharja kako ti nosi hrano v kantah da ti jo pogreje umazano od mize pod mizo vrabci letijo v restavraciji uglavnem polom. Kuhar umazan in verjamen da ni Slovenec ker je črn hlac in majce se pa vidi da ni zamenjal dolgo. Danes sem bil prvic in zadnjič upam da upostevate moj nasvet.


Las tartas que pedimos estaban muy buenas.


Hrana zelo povprečna, brez domišljije, o kakšni simfoniji okusov ali vsaj skromnem presežku ni sledu. Kdor ima vsaj malo občutka za pripravo hrane, si doma lahko pripravi bolj okusen vegetarijanski obrok. Cene pretirane. Vsaj s prekmursko gibanico bi se lahko potrudili, takšno nudi vsak Hofer ali Spar. Nikoli več.




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