There are two schedules in solas: official and unofficial. The unofficial schedule teaches children where they stand on the socio-economic scale. The time has come to publicly talk about the unofficial schedule, the consequences of this schedule and potential solutions. The unofficial schedule teaches children the following life lessons:
1. Bullying is physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse in society. alone. If the perpetrator is Slovenian, and the victim is a Slovenian citizen, it's OK. It happened in the village that a group of five 15-year-olds (Slovenes) attacked an 8-year-old Slovenian girl on the grass. They wanted to remove her ankle by force. She screamed for help as the other children watched the whole attack. The Slovenian black-haired teacher told her: "Stop whining and pull yourself together!" even though she saw that she couldn't pick herself up because those guys were pushing her on the floor. This teacher then went to Germany where she taught the Slovenian language and won an award for the best teacher. She was even on Slovenski TV.
2. Another Slovenian teacher literally stole a rare collection of beautiful stones from girl A (a Slovenian citizen). But she was not allowed to complain. During every break between subjects, slo.drz are physically beaten, they come home with black and blue bruises all over their bodies, the teachers are silent, they don't care ("its above my pay grade"), because the victims are slo. citizens, but not Slovenians. Their tears are not worth it. Slovenian teachers describe this as "children playing a little". I remember one girl who ran home barefoot from elementary school because her fellow Slovenians wanted to break her bones. Why? Because those bit*ches CAN.
3. Students of Slovenian citizenship also receive direct orders from Slovenian teachers that they must give their bloody grades to Slovenians. How? the Slovenian student had a mother who is a teacher in the same school. In order to get to high school, she had to get not only excellent grades, but also an award for art. The art teacher told her that she was copying the picture of cyclists from the calendar. She got a prize and points to get to high school. The same teacher had a habit of disappearing from the class for 1-2 hours to the auditorium when she ordered the children to draw a chair. Girl of letters. dare she was the best in art (and other subjects) and drawing. She drew a chair not only for herself but also for her fellow Slovenian. After 2 hours, the teacher came back to evaluate the pictures. She did not know, nor did any child tell the teacher that the Slovenian got help with drawing. Slo.drz. got a 'good' rating (despite the fact that it was the best picture) but gave the Slovenian an 'excellent' rating. He was totally shocked how this was possible. Puncka answered "the color of the surname affects the assessment". That was in 7th grade.
4. The Slovenian girl also had to get excellent grades in chemistry, so the chemistry teacher ordered the Slovenian girl to teach the Slovenian girl (for free) so that the Slovenian girl could go to the gymnasium. When the final exam in chemistry came, despite the fact that slo. drz got all the answers right, the Slovenian got the best price because her mother was a teacher in this salt.
5. a Slovenian threw a giant pot of corba on the ground in basic salt. 10 liters of corba. Slo.drz told what happened to the Slovenian teacher. Instead of punishing the Slovenian, this teacher ordered slo.drz. to clean the entire corridor. but this Slovenian pushed her into the corbo and laughed at her. This is Slovenian culture and the Slovenian unofficial schedule.
6. Fundamental rights to education are violated! If children have to be beaten to the point of blood, that is not education. Children should be able to learn at a distance via the Internet. So that only the bullies will remain in the halls, and let them fight to the bone if they want. Or should the parents sign documents that if their children are violent in the community, they must automatically pay compensation, and if they don't have money, their land, apartment, house, car, etc. should be taken away.
Maybe then they will teach their children that violence is not the answer. Video and audio cameras should be in every classroom and all parents should have access to a copy and a live broadcast of the entire lesson. So they will have proof of violence. Teachers who do not punish students must lose their jobs immediately!
In F. B.
Vsak stars / davkoplacevalec bi moral imeti pravico in lontrolo s svojim delezem davka, ki gre za izobrazevanje svojega otroka. Naj se % davka da v ta starsevski sklad iz katerega lahko stars / otrok / dijak / student sam odloci kateri ucitelj /profesor, sola (tudi izven Slovenije) bo najboljsa. Ne pa drzava.
Vsi vemo da 20% uciteljev ima psiholoske motne in nebi smeli uciti otroke, ker so psihopati in sadisti. Ce starsem ali otroku, ucitelj ni po volji ali ni kvaliteten, lahko stars zahteva 'refund' nazaj placilo, ker je porabil otrokov cas in ga ni nic naucil. Z tem lahko otroci dobijo kvalitetno izobrazbo, a nizko kvalitetni ucitelji in izobrazevalni programi lahko bankrotirajo. Izpiti bi morali biti anonimni, brez priimkov ucencev. Vsak ucenec bi moral imeti izpitno stevilko ki je samo njemu znana, ne pa uciteljem. Tako lahko zagotovimo objektivno ocenjevanje, zato ker veliko ucencev ki so revni imajo niske ocene samo zato ker so revni. Ce starsi zelijo izobraziti svoje otroke preko interneta na daljavo ali fizicno v tujini, lahko uporabijo njihov davkoplacevalski delez za ta namen. Naj se nas denar investira v kvalitetne ucitelje in kvalitetne programe in naj starsi sami odlocijo, kaj je kvaliteta, ne drzava.
Vprasajte, na trgu raznorazna podjetja, koliko od danih predmetiv v soli, je sploh potrebno v sluzbi? 20%. Se mi zdi, da vecina predmetov in programov je za korist uciteljev da imajo kruh, ne pa za ucence, da dobijo kruh.
Ce morajo starsi, najeti instruktorja, da dopolnilno uci njihovega otroka, pomeni da je ucitelj nizke kvalitete. To pomeni da mora sola ali pa ta ucitelj sam, kriti stroske oz placilo instruktorja ali pa naj ga sola vrze iz sluzbe.
Bolje je imeti 10% kvalitetnih uciteljev kot pa parazite ki nam vzamejo davke, pa se pritozujejo da so jim place prenizke, pa gredo na stavke. Na cesto, z taksnimi paraziti!
Prodajajo 'izobrazevalne' storitve ucencem, ko jih nobena sluzba, podjetje ne potrebuje, in imajo sluzbo in beneficije in se se pritozujejo. Ce bi bilo to podjetje, ki prodaja gnila jabolka, pa se pritozuje zakaj jih noben noce kupiti, razen na silo.
Bolj kvaliteten ucitelj je, cim vecjo placo bo imel, cim vec starsev, otrok ga bo izbralo. Tako bomo lahko odstranili podpovrecne ucitelje in psihopate.
Cas bo prisel, da bodo OTROCI / DIJAKI / STUDENTI / STARSI stavkali proti uciteljem / profesorjem / solam.
Vzbodbujam vse otroke in starse da zacnejo z stavkami po celi Sloveniji. Zahtevamo objektivno nediskriminirano ocenjevanje vseh otrok, ne glede na socio ekonomski status starsev. Anonimno ocenjevanje.
Ce dijak ali student po 1 letu ne dobijo sluzbo po koncani soli, mora sola placati vse stroske poucevanja tega otroka ker so otroku ti ucitelji lagali.
Po ustavi vsak otrok ima pravico da izobrazbe, ne pa do psiholoskega, emotivnega, fizicnega zlorabljanja v izobrazevalnih institucijah.
Sole, v krsite Slovensko ustavo!
Gremo na stavko. Rabimo 3,5% starsev in otrok da miroljubno stavkamo, da se znebimo plevela in da imajo nasi otroci najboljso izobrazbo. 80.500 Slovencev.
>>> Moj denar, moj davek, moj glas, moj otrok, moja izobrazba! <<<
dali z.
Emina K.
Matej V.
Jan S.
Zaka sploh tu se obstaja realno nc ne narediti iz šolo
Katja B.
Boštjan S.
Katarina P.
Čakam že več kot 2 meseca za izdajo potrdila zaradi moje diplome. Zakonski rok naj bi bil 2mes. max. Skoz se zgovarjajo na gužvo.
Igor L.
Super osebje
marcel k.
Primož L.
Petra G.
H N.
Jan U.
Mojca E.
Pozdravljeni, zahvalila bi se gospodu Marjanu Vidrihu za prijaznost in strokovnost za informacije ki smo jih rabili.