Residential Tenancies Board

1.4 (332 mnenj)

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332 mnenj

RTB is a National scandal but no one doing anything . !


Literally this organisation is bullshit. I had raised a complaint and it led to a mediation. The mediation is a total waste of time, the mediator had no idea about my case even though I shared all my documents and mediation form 5 days before the scheduled meeting. Honestly mediator and this entire mediation process was totally useless. One key word when it comes to renting in Ireland - "Contract" Read each and every single line of the contract before signing it. Else you will end up with this not fit for the purpose RTB and waste time/money. Fixed term lease is even dangerous. take care guys.


They really got much worse than years ago. I remember this being a good and reliable service, now instead I waited 3 months and 3 emails for a nonsense answer which states they don't deal with this type of issue. Asked how come and they again do not reply. I have been left completely alone with a vital issue during a huge house crisis. I feel hopeless. New case open: now they accepted the case but takes over 2 weeks for a reply, also every single operator I get says something totally different that is not mentioned on their articles, putting my tenancy at big risk during the mediation. I feel like I have to educate the RTB agents regarding the laws in place as they cannot advise anything. Truly shameful! Now they closed my case without any assistance whatsoever after I provided several proofs regarding tax evasion, minimum standards not respected, illegal price increase, illegal eviction attempt, not providing a contract, not registering my tenancy to RTB. You cannot open any dispute on RTB without the landlord's contact details, but they store it and they don't give it to you even in the worst scenario. A clear collusion with criminals. Shocking. The only message given here is very clear to me: run away from this country! They use us solely as taxpayers, mortgagepayers and rentpayers, then they ignore citizens on any right they might have! I am extremely disappointed!


Website keeps freezing, it's impossible to get hold of someone on phone...


Maybe the city needs to step in and look at these reviews because clearly nobody is happy with the utter buffoonery that runs this organisation.


It’s actually impressive how terrible this company is. I don’t know how they’re legally allowed to operate this bad.


Take elderly landlords and rinse them


Dysfunctional on every level it seems. Website not fit for purpose. What is going on here ???




Absolutely terrible. This organisation needs a complete overhaul.


Can't login to my account Website is hopeless as is response offered by RTB


We were successful with Rtb even if not perfect we received A rent refund for over payment of rent in a Rent Pressure Zone. We are experienced if you need to hear oberservations about possibilities. The reviews are obviously one sided between property owners having responsibilities as well as tenants having responsibilities. Renting or letting a property in itself is A Business to extract as money profit as possible even at the oppression of the tenant, also tenants will try to get the most value if they can get away with it. Its too opposites on collison and government, rtb facilitates both sides and getting a cut from both sides




One common thread through almost all the previous reviews - a website that is not fit for purpose leading to the necessity to make phone calls or send emails that just lead to more frustration. Their website is the work of amateurs and needs scrapping and replacing with a modern, user friendly, intuitive look and functionality. I would urge those who have to suffer this site to contact the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and urge them to take some action. Contacting the RTB is almost impossible and a waste of our time.


Wel sent ye loads of emails thought I'd get good news bk no phone call just emails saying go to other places and Samaritans no help honestly none very disappointed because I no I have a good case


Good at contacting me back- But the website is just ridiculous! can log in one day but then can't the next- so frustrating and waste of time! If they want us to comply please don't add difficulty with extremely poor website.


Worst customer service I have ever experienced. I’ve never known an organisation to make it so hard to give them money. Multiple attempts to pay and register online and then the audacity to threaten late payment fees. Embarrassing and a complete waste of time. Get someone on the phone to make up for the failing online software. The only solace I get is from reading these reviews knowing that so many more are in the same boat.




Improved their website, very helpful


Have tried to reregister but failed.......7 times over the last few months. Just gave up..............Paul Nolan


There are no words..... I have never experienced such incompetence. 0 stars


The website is not fit for purpose. It has been a problem since day one but they don't seem to have any interest in fixing it. No ordinary business would survive with those Google reviews. They should be ashamed of themselves. One star because zero isn't an option


Horrendous service. Have tried 6 times now to update my information to no avail. Rang them, was instructed to reset password etc, it was rejected, sent back round in circles. Torture. Must be costing them hundred of thousands where people like myself simply give up.


I share the experience of many of those other persons who have tried in vain to complete an annual registration. The RTB online system is totally inadequate and not fit for purpose. I simply cannot complete annual registrations online despite phoning the RTB helpline and trying every possible permutation that might accept an online registration. We are talking about spending dozens of stress filled traumatic hours trying to resolve what should be a straightforward process. I was advised by the helpline to email the RTB with my issue which I duly did and the response was that due to the volume of emails it would be 14 days before I get a response. Hardly satisfactory! By the way, they’ve overcharged as well - I paid €90 for a four year registration in 2021 and I have to pay another “annual registration “ fee of €40 in 2022 and each year thereafter? A double charging which is not justifiable given the total lack of service.


A completely disgrace, I am waiting since 4 months for a registration and get same emails back requesting details that was sent million times to them. Some operators don’t understand English


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