Residential Tenancies Board

1.4 (332 mnenj)

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332 mnenj

Website down so many times and couldnt register.. Contacted RTB only to be told to try again as site not working..tried sgain and again same result.. where is accountability..and why are taxpayers paying for such an ineffective service..


Absolutely horrendous useless website. They make people use it but it is pretty much unusable. Basic delete/edit functions missing or dont work.


Website is horrific. Keep getting stuck and having to contact the RTB via email who takes days/weeks to get a response from. They then proceed to tell me that I have to start over and that they have sent me a link to a video with instructions that do not exist on the page they sent. Causing huge issues for landlords trying to pay their fees.The site build is a disgrace. Please sort this out.


Worst website interface ever. I’m trying to renew annual tenancies (that’s another issue) and the site is completely not fit for the purpose. So typical of a quango, probably spent hundreds of thousands on a bespoke www when they could have bought one off the shelf. Don’t answer the phone and emails take days to be answered and then days more when the fault persists. It’s a disgrace and we’re paying for it. I’d give a minus if possible and annoying 1 star is minimum Grrrrr


Speaking to RTB last week via phone, asked RTB staff member to sort a number of items on the account. Just checked today and still not sorted so I am back to where I started. Very disappointed with the professionalism, the service and transparency. I am back to writing 2nd review, I phoned RTB yesterday with issues to solve. Still not solved even though I was promised it would be sorted so I could proceed with payments. Unprofessional and once again disappointed.


This is without doubt the worst company in Ireland. I want to pay my yearly registration for my property and have phoned RTB, I have tried emailing and tried to use their shoddy website that doesn't give any information of payment. I'm afraid they make it impossible for customers to pay so they can fine them and gain profit. We are Irish and are meant to be the best in the world at customer service, RTB is a national disgrace.


I have been trying to get support on a dispute with my landlord since April 2022 (16 months ago) and still the RTB manages to be useless. You are better off contacting the Dublin City Counsel if your letting is not up to standards but your landlord denies it.


Servicio deplorable, he estado enviando correos electrónicos durante mas de 3 meses y los responden luego de 3 semanas sin responder a lo que se les pregunta. Imposible comunicarse por teléfono. He enviado 8 correos electrónicos pidiéndoles ayuda, sin respuesta a lo que digo, que es que no ha migrado correctamente mi registro del sistema viejo al nuevo. Quieren cobrarme por un registro nuevo o tardío de un arrendamiento que registré bajo su antiguo sistema en tiempo y que no se transfirió correctamente. El problema es de su sistema, y lo vuelcan en el propietario . Son totalmente inutiles, esta organización es una estafa. No merece ni 1 estrella.


Complete shambles, surely time the reviews are brought to Ombudsman/IPOA?? UPDATE: Just reading through newest reviews.... Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien needs to visit thís site & réad through every review, then maybe he may get to grips with this useless site😏. 15mths later, still not sorted & I'll admit I've done absolutely nothing for past 2mths due to pure frustration as I have to psych myself up before I start again🤦‍♀️


The worst experience I've had in my life with any business. There are no words for the ineptitude of the employees here and the frustration, anger and sense of injustice that this board can bring into your life


What an awful service and website. Last year i spent an hour waiting on the phone to customer service because when i tried to pay the website just kept freezing. I was asked to complete my registration by post and i sent a postal order for euro 225. Thanking god i didnt have to deal with them again until this year, did i realise i didnt even receive acknowledgement for the postal order that was sent in the post. 2022 and i am still sending postal orders in the post with a hard copy of my registration. Fast forward a very quick year and i happen to log onto the website and my account and its slight laid out better but has me totally confused telling me i owed the fee plus a late fee and my application from last year still pending/end tenancy. Which cause me to wonder if they even cashed the postal order of euro 225... I called and the agent was not able to explain to me why i had a late payment fine on the account. I have just paid and the only only only!!! Consolation is that i am not the only one that is frustrated and very disappointed with this website and service.


I have been dealing with the RTB for some time and all I can say the customer service that they provide is dreadful….. awful…… not fit for purpose…….. it doesn’t even warrant a very poor one star rating…… you can not get through on the phone wait time over an hour…….. communicating via email also truly dreadful…… I made an over payment and months later still no reimbursement…. Still chasing it up…… they have advised me they tried to credit my credit card and it failed…. I do not have a credit card….and besides that they do not read emails properly saying I can made a further payment via cheque when I am chasing an over payment….. i which to make a complaint and still no update you are invisible as a customer




Utterly incompetent staff, website designed in the USSR in 1989 and barely improved since.


the score is zero but there is no 0.. so I give just one star ...I want to talk about RTB ... BC RESIDENTIAL TENANT.... they are not for protecting of owners and tenant fairly...This organization is just for tenants. In their court ,the officer work as judge and lawyers of tenant as the same time .it is clear what will be the vote of the court? Where can we take our right as an owner and human? How could we do when the tenant try harassment and bully. I got sick for terrible tenants ..we lost our peace. I can not be happy in my house...I hope them make an other organization like the RTB for the owners. how can I complain when our tenant tell us..BE quiet ..hide in your hole we are giving your bread. if this is not the result of taking advantage of an unfair rules so what it is? Dear RTB! ...PLEASE TELL US WHAT SHOULD WE DO?


as useless as a chocolate teapot


Useless. Dealt with a mediator that clearly wasn't mediating, must be a landlord himself... For context, I'm having issues with my landlord who is notorious for not fixing any problems, especially significant ones, such as a gaping hole in bathroom ceiling; it took 8 months to sort that out. I got in touch with RTB because yet again, I'm having issues with my landlord, he doe not want to fix electrical issues. There was a meditation hearing via phone call and the guy who called me just didn't care about what I had to say. My whole place is dodgy and my landlord does not care because, like many landlords, he knows people are in desperate need. Places like RTB are an absolute joke, our government is a joke, it's all a joke. Lack of support and us younger generation are paying an arm and a leg for nothing. Zero to little regulation on housing issues - it's exhausting.


Not fit for purpose - can't answer any questions,, won't give any advice, website does not work, advised to email, takes months to get a response and does not address the query raised, wait for 50 to 60 minutes on phone and then told they cannot advise - absolute disgrace and clients being forced not to comply because they cannot get help after paying their fees !! Would prefer to give 0 stars but like everything else with this site, you cant!!!


It is a joke. Landlords pay the body to against themselves. RTB is on tenants side. No wonder people rather to have the house vacant than renting out.


Absolute disgrace, months to get any response and any action .This organisation needs to be de-funded and scrapped immediately. Not only do they not understand their own rules they also actively delay both tenant and landlord .


Absolute nightmare to deal with.


Rubbish registration site. Definitely not user friendly. I have been attempting to pay annual fee and am now out of pocket as I still have issues.


Very poorly run. Can’t seem or unwilling to do anything against letting agencies. Either severely short staffed or mismanaged as there doesn’t seem to be any organisation.




Spent 2X1 hours on hold, countless attempts to log on, only to eventually realize it was because of a technical glitch on their system: a problem with the "fada" in my name. However, I had to still pay late fees!!! Payments were accepted no problem online, however my properties are still not registered!! The system keeps saying the address is not verified. But will not let me change it! I am now on hold for 15 mins so far because the assistant on the phone line has gone off to try to figure it out. I have literally spent hours trying to register a property. The only person that suffers from this appalling, inefficient service is the landlord. Unfortunately, I have to wait for RTB now to amend at their end because they are now "operating on a new system". I am told it is not within their scope to give me a notification email of when it is sorted...


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