Residential Tenancies Board

1.4 (332 mnenj)

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332 mnenj

THESE PEOPLE LIE AND CLAIM IT TO BE A CLERICAL ERROR I have had the misfortune to deal with the RTB as I am living with damp in my house, electrics that keep on tripping and a landlord refusing to do anything about it. I was advised that the RTB was the only way I could get my case listened to, however they have given wrong information on more than several occasions and then claim it was a clerical error.




You would much sooner die on the street then receive any help from this organisation. Paid 15 for adjunction 6 months ago, tried calling emailing they just say :"there is no timeframe on your case" ??????? whoohahahaha so much for protecting tenants. this is the reason landlords do what they want and laugh in your face. court is the way to go.


Shocking website interface, might as well bang my head off a wall - no doubt they’ll come chasing me though when money is due


If only I could give a minus 1000 star rating! What horrible people. What a dis service to property owners, but also tenants as they hunt more landlords out of the market. No wonder there is such a shortage of houses. Who would want to deal with these W-----s.


The RTB portal for landlords/agents is ridiculous. A users nightmare, the most frustrating user experience and customer service just replies with generic responses that don't answer your query. All this coming from a milennial, god help someone eldery who might not be so tech savy!


The RTB staff have been wonderful with my case, always courteous, patient and incredibly helpful. Their assistance has been above and beyond. I will be forever grateful.


2 weeks to get a non-answer reply to an email. 30 mins+ hold times on the phone. Shocking service levels given penalties on non compliance. Improve service levels!


Failed to help us when we needed support with tenants leaving a house, any time we called no one could give us an answer or point us in the right direction, we had to do everything ourselfs and find out the next steps ourselfs, now we have our house back they are quick to email on several occasions to sign for registration but no help or sign of them supporting us in getting the money back we are owed . One of the main reasons there is a housing crisis and less houses are to rent is because there's no support for the landlord, I will never rent again.




Horrendously poorly run. Customer care advisor Matt was unable to answer a simple straight forward question. Clearly there is much work to be done in relation to training.


A national disgrace. A non functioning service for landlords and tenants alike.


Useless shower altogether, if your evicting a tenant whi wont pay these dont help in anyway apart from sending letters




Utter incompetence.. that's all I can say




Totally agree with all the previous reviews. Spent 53 minutes on the phone to be told they cannot correct a mistake they made. No explanation why not, they just cannot do it.


I would give 0 stars if I could.


Agree with everyone else. Difficult to log on the system. Almost impossible to register any tenant as the system is full of bugs, and there is so much information required that at some stage this is not possible. We sent hundred emails and many calls to rtb but there is no answer. When after an average waiting time of 50 minutes we managed to talk to somebody, they did not take the issues seriously or did not answer, they also promised to call back with answers but never did. In France, UK and all Europe there is no RTB, this is why the system is easier more fluid and people are encouraged to rent properties. This is why in all Europe, you do not have hundreds of people queuing for properties. This system is not solving the issues, it is not creating new homes/houses/properties. You need to build/create more houses and help people who are doing that. It would be better to use all this wasted time and money to create new properties and help new tenants.


An absolute disgrace I am trying to register an existing tenant sent multiple emails and calls with no answer on either all I want to do is sort it out and pay.....something needs to be done about this


Impossible to navigate this site for landlords. I only want to pay , it should be easy.


Dreadful, inefficient....lack of service. Disband this 'board' ASAP. Who is checking their finances?


Useless. Just another tax on homeowners. Sham organisation.


An absolute joke, after countless hours trying to renew registration eventually succeed, however a letter arrived today, "reminder action required", trying to contact them to no avail. This harassment should not be allowed. These people do not seem to be answerable to anyone and are the reason many landlords have left the rental market, thus contributing to the housing crisis. ====Update==== Back again, Still receiving action required letters despite having numerous conversations with RTB Customer Service that lead me to believe that the issue has been resolved carry on this harassment by continuing to send me monthly letters stating that the RTB numbers of my 2 tennants are incorrect and no matter how many times i get back to customer service this harassment is still continuing and the issue has not been resolved resulting in the tenants not being registered. The RTB letters do not give a reason for as to why the registration has been unsuccessful, at the end of each letter they advise to go to webchat which is non-existent. Are the RTB answerable to any Government department/Government Body?


Sat on hold for 59 minutes, as soon as it reached the hour, the call cut off. When I tried recalling, it said more than 50 minute wait time. Either hire more staff for their call centre, or stop sending me letters. Unless I can speak to you on the phone, I am done dealing with you. Fine me, sure I can’t get you on the phone, maybe you will phone me then and I will keep you on hold for an hour!!


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