Avtovleka-Crn-Avto Ketiš Ivan Ketiš s.p.

3.7 (75 mnenj)

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Avtovleka Ketiš - Vaš prijatelj na cesti

Avtovleka Ketiš - Vaš prijatelj na cesti

Vaš zanesljiv partner na cesti, Avtovleka Ketiš, vam nudi širok nabor storitev za vaše potrebe. Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete vleko vozila, prevozne storitve ali izposojo tovornih prikolic, smo tu za vas. Zavezani smo k hitrosti, odzivnosti in kvaliteti, saj se zavedamo, da avtovleka nikoli ni potrebna, razen takrat, ko jo potrebujete vi.

Vlečna služba

Z našim vlečnim vozilom Krpan lahko opravimo vleko poškodovanih tovornih vozil ali vozil v okvari. Naša ekipa je izurjena in opremljena z ustrezno opremo, da lahko zagotovi varno in učinkovito vleko vozil.

Prevozne storitve

Ponujamo vam tudi prevozne storitve, ki so prilagojene vašim potrebam. Ne glede na to, ali gre za prevoz osebnih vozil ali tovornih vozil, smo vam na voljo s svojo floto vozil in izkušenimi vozniki.

Izposoja tovornih prikolic

Če potrebujete tovorno prikolico za prevoz vašega tovora, vam jo lahko izposodimo. Naša izposoja je prilagodljiva in omogoča izbiro tovorne prikolice glede na vaše potrebe.

O nas

Avtovleka Ketiš je uspešno družinsko podjetje, ki deluje na področju avtovleke že vrsto let. Zavezani smo k zagotavljanju najvišje kakovosti storitev in izpolnjevanju pričakovanj naših strank.


NASLOV Meljska cesta 57, 2000 Maribor, SLO
TELEFON 041 618 712
EMAIL avtovleka.ketis@gmail.com

Za dodatne informacije ali nujne primere nas lahko kadarkoli kontaktirate. Smo dosegljivi 24 ur na dan, vse dni v letu.

Copyright © 2021 Avtovleka Ketiš | Izdelava spletnih strani: Plentus - produkcija in digitalni marketing

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

75 mnenj









Profesionalni, hitro uredili tezavo s prazno gumo.








The service Was terrible. The worst car service I could imagine. They didn't want to tell us the price for the work. We waited 8 hours and they have done nothing. 5 other cars waiting for repair and parts when a store with parts was 5 minutes away with all the parts we needed. The owner shouting at the clients!




Sam pan z lawety miły natomiast warsztat TRAGEDIA! Nie polecam nikomu. Radzę omijać szerokim łukiem! Cały dzień przed warsztatem na ławce, zero informacji kiedy samochód będzie gotowy. Na koniec oddają nie do końca sprawne auto, twierdząc, że wszystko jest okej ZWALAJĄC WINĘ NA ZEPSUTY KOMPUTER W SAMOCHODZIE! Jeśli zostawiłbym auto dalej w tym warsztacie wymienili by całkowicie sprawny komputer! Awarią, której nie potrafili zlokalizować był przerwany przewód masy, KTÓRY ZOSTAŁ USZKODZONY PRZEZ MECHANIKA TEGO WARSZTATU PODCZAS WYMIENIANA ALTERNATORA W SAMOCHODZIE! Niekompetentni ludzie.


Žal,nesreča nikoli ne počiva.V danem trenutku so nam pomagali.Hvala za strokovnost in prijaznost.


Hier kann ich leider KEINE Sterne geben! Nach einer Autopanne am 2.3.2019 wurde mein PW von dieser Firma zur Werkstatt abgeschleppt. Für die Wartezeit von über 5 Stunden kann die Garage nichts dafür, da die Reparatur des Alternators für den Renault Espace Zeit brauchte. Aber dass danach auf der Fahrt Richtung Graz sich der Alternator vom Motorblock löste, da die Schrauben nicht richtig angezogen waren, dadurch der Keilriemen beschädigt wurde und sich die Wasserpumpe löste, eine solche "Arbeit" ist ein totaler Pfusch!! Der Aufenthalt in dieser "Garage" war ja schon nicht angenehm, aber eine solche "Arbeit" kann ich nicht respektieren! Für diesen Pfusch musste ich 288 Euro zahlen!! Eigentlich sollte ich das Geld wieder zurückverlangen!!


Najboljši v MB ta hip


Neprijazni šoferji


CRN KETIŠ delo opravlja kvalitetno in smo z njim zelo zadovoljni.


Schneller und guter Service nachdem unser wagen an einer Tankstelle probleme gemacht hat.


Super avtovleka. Če imaš problem z avtomobilom so res prava rešitev. Če se avto pokvari ga lahko odpeljejo, odpravijo določene napake, ali ga spravijo do pooblaščenega servisa. Tudi pokvarjene ali karambolirane kamijone spravijo s ceste do njihove delavnice. Tam je za strnke navoljo tudi več apartmajev, da počakajo na popravljen avto v kolikor to želijo. Navoljo pa so tudi nadomestna vozila, ali avtovleka z večjo kabino, da se skupaj z pokvarjenim avtom zapeljejo domov.


Hiter odziv samo za naprej napačne informacije in katastrofalen odnos. Od njih lahko pričakuješ tudi kletvice




Last night I was left with machine failure on the parking of EUROPARK Maribor Shopping Center and I tried to solve the problem as soon as possible by calling some auto-transport nearby for my car and to take it to the near AMZS mechanic I knew. I chose to call the Ketiš Autotransport number I found on the internet first. After about half an hour comes the "big boss" named Ivan Ketiš and he explains that to transport the car to the mechanic that is less than 2 km of distance away will cost me 30 Euro! Damn, I said! But he immediately answers me that he does not work for FREE! He advised me to let him bring my car to their Ketiš company - mechanical services etc. I ask him where this place is and when I can come and get it the next morning. He promised to call me tomorrow morning. I go back home by bus (city 30 km distant from the Maribor). In the morning after I call him and ask him to tell me what kind of failure it is to know about the expenses and to organize myself. At 10 AM he very nervous tells me that he knows nothing about it and that they have not yet started with the work. Despite he tells me to wait until noon to call him, I try to call him at 11:20, he scolds me and throws me down the phone! I wait until 12:25 and I finally call for his good news! And no, he tells me that the costs of the repair will be higher than expected and that for the spare part is not yet known if available today in the store or if they'll need to order it for tomorrow .... then I tell him to check immediately if this spare part is available in the store to buy now or if not to call me immediately to let me know! At that moment he scolds me like crazy and tells me that he does not have time to deal with me all day (despite yesterday it was he who insisted to bring the car to them instead to the AMZS of which at least I can trust as mine previous experience!). I told him that it is he who must realize that gets paid to do jobs for me and if possible to let me know how things are! I understood from the beginning how things are here, after 10 minutes I recall and tell him that he has done enough and that they do not need to start doing any work on my car, that I can not wait another day for the car and that is a colleague of mine to bring my car back to my city. I walked from the center of Maribor to their office to pay for the trucking costs with the car of the day before and the kind lady secretary makes me pay those 30 euros for those 1,9 km of road that Mr. Ivan Ketiš has done with his "autotransport machine! those 1,9 km of road that Mr. Ivan Ketiš has done with my machine! After paying, I asked at least a receipt or official note that shows that I have paid the costs they asked for !? No, the secretary told me that I she can not do it because otherwise they would have to make me pay the extra-expenses for the TAX - so it means that these jobs are done in black!?! I could not wait to get away from there, I've spent 1.5 days of nightmare, so please make it wide from there! After finally my colleague came and took me and my car away from that dark place! In the workshop of Dr. Ivan Ketiš of Meljska c. 57, MB, they wanted to charge me € 120 for the work and the exchange of external water pump (50 € cca.), if it would be done + 30 € for that 1.90 km of autotransport !!!!!!! i'M HAPPY THAT I DECIDED JUST IN TIME TO BRING MY CAR AWAY! Colleagues from my city will charge you from 20 to 35 € for 25 - 35 KM! Then for the same job including the spare part in the office of my mechanic who really works as a professional and who pays all taxes and does not work in black, I pay € 70 instead of € 120 or € 150! NEVER AGAIN!!! WHAT A SHAME FOR MARIBOR !!!


Problém s autem na cestě do Chorvatska. Odtahovka přijela do 15 minut od zavolání. Závada na vozidle byla velká - výměna celé spojky. Přesto se všichni snažili nám co nejrychleji pomoci - i přes jazykovou bariéru. Opravili, postarali se o nás, odjeli jsme. Díky.


Very good service, nice price!


Super je😅




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