Vojaško pokopališče Osek

4.0 (1 mnenj)

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Kulturno in turistično društvo Osek
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da

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1 mnenj

During the WW1 the Austrian-Hungarian army built a military hospital in the area of the village Osek, just behind the frontline of the Isonzo Front. The hospital, which was built by the Russian prisoners of war in 1915, stood in the vicinity of the cemetery, but there are no remains to be seen today. It became operational at the beginning of 1916 as the 10th Field hospital of the 14th Corps and took care of all the soldiers that were wounded during the fights in the area of the hinterland of Gorizia. The hospital had around 20 buildings and it could take care for approx. 400 wounded. Many of them died and were later buried in this cemetery near the hospital camp. In total 791 Austrian-Hungarian and also some Italian soldiers were buried here. After the war the Italians moved the remains of the Italian soldiers to the cemetery located at Redipuglia in Italy. Nowadays the cemetery is a very peaceful place and it is ideal for a nice walk in the nature and for the contemplation about the nonsense of the wars. The road to this place leads from the village, it is very well marked and the graveyard is renovated and nicely arranged. At the site, where is plenty of space to park, there is also a small exhibition of the war times photos of the area. Only a few of the original tombstones remain but this place is still the last resting place of 763 young men that died here between 23th March 1916 and 27th October 1917. 😸


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