Cigler Marija - Doktor stomatologije


2.0 (23 mnenj)

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  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Sprejema nove paciente: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

23 mnenj

Ugh ugh ugh, rude, she laughs at the patient when she comes and tells why he came and doesn't even listen to him, violent, without feeling, during the examination without a mask over her mouth and swims in the patient's mouth ugh.. stay away from her


Avoid it as much as possible. The fact that the waiting period is short is for a reason and anything but positive. Rude, arrogant, arrogant, unprofessional, unethical and so on. Everything you think you would not even dream of expecting from a person with this profession...all this is represented by this lady. And I wonder how it is possible that she is allowed to do this type of activity. It is better to wait 10x longer if you have to than to go to her. I would rate it in -5 if possible.


Due to the minimum waiting time, I visited her today. First of all, it didn't seem normal to me at the beginning how hard, without explanation, he presses his finger around the wisdom tooth and checks something. She didn't comment on what she was going to do.  She just pressed so that I felt the pain right away. Then she gave me an injection without explanation and left me without even knowing why we were waiting and how long we would be waiting. Then she started butchering literally. Pulit to tear, break with a hammer. Although she said that the tooth was very deep and that it might be necessary to paint it again, she did not and did not stop pulling. To hit with a hammer. It took so long that I said I couldn't do it anymore. I was dying to eat despite the anesthesia. She didn't care. She was laughing and literally mocking the pain. Like I'm some crybaby over there. Then she told me to go to the health center for a dental scan again. X-ray was closed. So I went back to her again. When I told her that the x-ray was closed, she suddenly didn't need the picture anymore. She just said nothing, let's go to the garden. I said (although I barely spoke at all) that we wouldn't be drilling anything, that we didn't even have an x-ray of the tooth, which we obviously needed. And then the biggest shock!! She told me BE QUIET! DON'T GET INTO THE PROFESSION. Once again, she said unaramatically, be quiet. I said, of course, that I'll stick around because it's my teeth. She insisted and ordered me to go back to the table immediately. I have never experienced this before and I believe I will never see such a person again, but I have seen many. Now I see that it's a good thing I didn't let him keep drilling and pulling. From what I can see, very bad experiences from everyone. I said just give me the card and let me go. We agreed that I should call Ljubljana then.  I hope as many people as possible see this. Someone will have to do something.


Je za puljenje modrostnega zoba leta 2023 res potrebno kladivo!? Kaj res? Od 4ih zob se, po vsem čakanju na vrsto, loti najmanj problematičnega, kljub vedenju kateri zob je problematičen in nujno potreben ekstrakcije, le zato da pobere svoje cekine od ZZZS? Enormna oteklina, bolečine, jok, prizadetost mlade ženske zaradi zverinskega posega... Po tej izkušnji sem hči peljal zasebnemu zobarju, kjer so 2x zmogli izpuliti modrostni zob, tudi impaktiranega, v polovičnem času, brez kladiva in skoraj brez otekline in pretiranih bolečin. Poseg je vsekakor neprijeten, ni pa potrebno, da je neciviliziran. Povzetek oz. TLDR Mesarka! Odvzet licenco! Ogledalo našega javnega zdravstva. Sramota!


Apikotomija bi se tu morala preimenovati “mesarija Cigler”. Naroceni smo bili kar trije ob isti uri, nato na stolu cakal 30 min., anestetik ni prijel, sele tretja doza strupa prijela.. preden je zarezala je sprva pozabila kateri zob dela; ker ni videla dobro, je vseeno po obcutku zakljucila, zasila, nato je novi RTG pokazal da je porezala premalo korenine, pa je morala ponoviti poseg. Se vec, zenska skace od pacienta do pacienta med dvema ordinacijama, tako da vmes kr obvisiš in cakas na stolu (!?). Kaksna nestrokovnost, niti termina za kontrolo mi ni dala, nobene komunikacije po OP. Skratka, ze zdavnaj bi morala v penzion, sicer bo prej ali slej komu povzrocila nepopravljivo skodo.


Mesarsko klanje, da dve inekcije gre za pol ure ta cas ze na pol popustijo, tehnika iz bivse juge kakor tudi sama izvedba eno uro klanja na stolu nakar inekcija spustila in mel dost ...






žena je zmešana skor mije pov glave pa čeljusti utrgala. take je treba sam kamenjat. mislim da ta stara gospa komaj vidi in se zaveda kaj dela bi bilo bolje da bi na gradbišču mešala beton🤩



Bil sem naročen ob uri, ampak sem vseeno čakal 2 polni uri v čakalnici in nato še 20 min sam na stolu v ordinaciji. Zelo neprijazen in neprofesionalen odnos do pacientov! Kirurginja svoje delo opravlja malomarno. Ne priporočam.


Nepriporocam, imel sem tako vnetje po puljenju modrostnega zoba da nisem moral pozirati sline niti vode in so me po treh dneh poslali iz kocevja v ljubljano kjer sem imel se eno operacijo.



Defenitely the best dentist that I came across in my lifetime by living in the UK, US, Germany and The Netherlands. Painless procedure, Marija explains everything, healing process as expected and superb results. Not sure about other people's comments, but it is a medical or dental procedure patients sign up, there is no shortcut to that. Can highly recommend Marija for her work, also a very positive person in her attitude.


Prijazno in strokovno osebje. Modrostni zob izpuljen v parih sekundah, brez bolecin!






Prijazna zobarca, vse mi je razložila in, kar je glavno, opravila hitro in neboleče. Priporočam!


Nekak nisem želel verjeti govoricam, kar me je kaznovalo na dolgi rok. Ker s seboj nisem imel slike sem mislil, da me bo poslala domov, vendar se je odločila, da mi vseeno izpuli modrostni zob. Izkušnja je prej podobna 2-urnemu mučenju kot čemurkoli drugemu. Teden potem sem imel še vedno oster kos zoba v dlesni, bolečine so bile neznosne. Oster kos se je po enem tednu izločil, a korenino modrostnega zoba še vedno nosim v dlesni, saj je bil zob zdrobljen. Že 4 leta se izogibam zobozdravnikov, vendar vem, da se bom prej ali slej potreboval soočiti z zdravljenjem. Močno odsvetujem, raje čakajte pol leta izkušenega zobozravnika/co.


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