Tamara Perhavec, Dr.Dent.Med., zobna ambulanta

5.0 (2 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Tamara Perhavec, Dr.Dent.Med., zobna ambulanta, zobozdravnik v mestu kozina.
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Sprejema nove paciente: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

2 mnenj

Extremely professional, precise, pleasant and gentle dentist. I was also impressed by how she took the time to explain and give practical advice on how to take care of my teeth as best as possible on a daily basis. She also helped me to solve the inflammation of a part of my gums, which had dragged on for several years and so far no other dentist had paid attention to it. I highly recommend it!


Been to several dentists and oral hygienists for tartar removal. Such a painless procedure has never been done before (no pain and stinging). At the same time, super clean and smooth teeth. 😁


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