When I had a toothache and my personal dentist was on vacation, I urgently needed someone to help me before I used the on-call dentist.
I called quite a few dentists, all of whom in turn categorically rejected me for one reason or another.
I was received by the dentist Maruša, a professional, friendly and precise person who knows how to present procedures very well.
So she saved me from pain and I could go on vacation peacefully.
Thanks again for the great service. I highly recommend it.
Urban P.
Dentist Maruša is very professional, completely dedicated to her work, precise, with an incredible feeling for her work.
He is very good at presenting procedures to the patient, listening to him and accommodating him. In short, a great dentist.
I highly recommend it to everyone.
Tjaša P.
I came to Marusa on the recommendation of her patient, after a thorny path of dental problems since childhood. In the past, I changed at least 5 dentists, tried some fancy clinics in Ljubljana, but ended up at the same one. Marusa dealt with the teeth systematically, repairing them one by one, I was a regular guest there for a while. After a perfectly completed task, I am now only there if necessary - for control. I highly recommend and indulge everyone who suffers from teeth. It is possible with the right dentist!
Ana M.
Dentist Maruša is very professional, takes the necessary time for the patient and offers a detailed explanation. In addition to her professionalism, she is characterized by exceptional warmth and care.
I recommend!
Tjaša �.
Strokovna in prijazna. Toplo priporočam naprej.
Nuša O.
Z izbiro Zobozdravstva Humar sem izjemno zadovoljna.
Največ mi pomeni njihova strokovnost obravnave in opravljenih storitev.
Veliko prednost pa dajem temu, da se pred vsakim pregledom ali posegom potrudijo obrazložiti kako bo le-ta potekal.
Če se vam ob tem pojavijo določeni strahovi (bolečina, injekcija,...) vas bodo razumeli, se z vami pogovorili in kot najpomembnejše našli rešitev, s katero bodo opravili svoje delo strokovno in na način, ki bo vam najbolj prijazen.
Zaradi njihove strokovnosti in prijaznosti tako zobozdravnice, kot tudi sestre imam do njih popolno zaupanje, kot najpomembnejše pa štejem spoznanje, da sem z obiski v njihovi ordinaciji popolnoma izgubila strah do zobozdravstvenih posegov. Toplo priporočam. :)
Marta M.
Dve leti sem poslušala izgovore in laži, pošiljala me je okrog z belo napotnico, moj oropan posredovala stanovskim kolegicam (varstvo osebnih podatkov). Po njenih navodilih so mi izpulili 5 zdravih zob. S sodelavko imata ordinacijo ker v istem prostoru.., potem sem pa dobila po priporočeni posti njeno mnenje...., predlagam, da svoja vrata nemudoma zapre . .., ker ni dorasla svojemu poklicu in ni pripravljena sprejeti odgovornosti🙄