Balansa Slackline

5.0 (33 mnenj)

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Slovenian Slackline Shop, Slacklines 17-50m, Indoor Slackline Rig | Workshops | The Best Balance and Concentration Training!
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  • ponedeljek 9.00 do 21.00
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33 mnenj

I bought the Woodie a few months ago and I love it more every day! The exercises you can do with it are very diverse. The included poster and book are very inspiring. Very helpful to me was the video on how to assemble Woodie. It is also nice that you can easily fold it and take it with you. The quality of the wood and all other parts is very good. 100% recommendation.


DEUTSCH: Ich habe Woodie nun seit fast einem Jahr im regelmäßigen Gebrauch und bin nach wie vor begeistert. Die Lieferung aus Slowenien erfolgte schnell und es liegt eine umfangreiche Aufbauanleitung bei mit weiteren Tipps, sowie einem separaten Übungsplakat bei. Laut Information auf der Homepage wird neuerdings auch ein 60-tägiges Trainingsprogramm beigelegt. Für die Benutzung auf empfindlichen Böden wie Parkett werden die benötigten Klebepads mitgeliefert, welche ich seither in Gebrauch habe. Nun stellt sich die Frage was Woodie von anderen namenhaften Herstellern abhebt. Mir war es wichtig eine dünnere Slackline mitgeliefert zu bekommen, 35mm gegenüber der oftmals üblichen 50mm, sowie ausreichende Spannhöhe zu erreichen für schwerere Benutzer. Genau das ermöglicht Woodie durch die einfache Höhenverstellbarkeit. Aufgrund der Dehnungseigenschaften der mitgelieferten Slackline ist auf hoher Einstellung des Gestells eine uneingeschränkte Nutzung bis etwa 120 kg Körpergewicht möglich. Unter Verwendung eines dehnungsträgeren Bandes würde man wahrscheinlich bis etwa 150 kg Körpergewicht gut zurechtkommen; das Gestell ist dafür sicherlich ausreichend stabil gebaut. Die Laufeigenschaften sind für eine derartige (vorwiegend) Indoor-Slackline hervorragend und dies ist sicherlich ebenfalls dem beweglichen Gestell zu verdanken. Mein Woodie hat einen festen Standort, sodass ich die Klappfunktion zum erleichtertem Transport kaum nutze aber das Vorhandensein stellt eine begrüßenswerte Funktion dar. Die Leute von Balansa Slackline sind sehr engagiert und stehen einem bei jeglichen Fragen gerne zur Verfügung. Deren Support ist wirklich hervorragend und es handelt sich hier um Spezialisten ihres Fachs, sodass sich ein Blick auf deren weitere Trainingsunterlagen wie YouTube-Videos absolut empfiehlt. Viele Inhalte sind dabei bereits auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. Für wen eignet sich Woodie nun? Für Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene oder Profis die einfach nur Spaß haben wollen, sowie u. a. für die Physiotherapie, zur Verletzungsprävention und dem Koordinationstraining in praktisch allen Sportarten. Fazit: Sehr empfehlenswert! ENGLISH: I have been using Woodie for almost a year now and I am still excited. Delivery from Slovenia was quick and there is an extensive setup guide with further tips included, as well as a separate training poster. According to their online shop, recently a 60-day training program has been added to the package. To protect delicate floors such as parquet the required adhesive pads are supplied, which I have in use since the beginning. The question now is, what separates Woodie from products of other well known manufacturers. It was important to me to have a thinner slackline provided, 35mm compared to the otherwise often used 50mm, as well as to get sufficient height of the line over ground for use through heavier persons. This is exactly what Woodie allows to do, by its simple height adjustment. Due to the extension properties of the slackline, unrestricted use of up to about 120 kg body weight is possible at the high frame setting. Switching to a less elastic slackline, usage of up to about 150 kg bodyweight would work quite well; the frame is certainly sufficiently stable for such a body weight. The walking properties are excellent for a (predominantly) indoor slackline and this is certainly partly owed to the flexible frame. My Woodie has its fixed location, so I hardly use the folding capabilities for facilitated transport, but the presence is a welcome addition. The folks of Balansa Slackline are very enthusiastic and they are at your disposal for any questions. Their support really is excellent and they are specialist in their field, hence a look at their further training documentation such as YouTube videos is absolutely recommended. Whom is Woodie suited for? For any beginner, advanced or professional skilled athlete who just wants to have fun, amongst others as well for the scopes of physiotherapy, for injury prevention and coordination training in virtually any sports. Conclusion: Highly recommended!








Woodie Slackline has been regularly used as a balance tool in our kinesiology practice. It is implemented in exercise programs of people, who are exercising in a preventive manner and it is also included in the exercise process of those, who are in the process of restoring their health condition (rehabilitation), for example rehabilitation after joint surgery. Exercises are adapted to the person's physical ability, health condition and treatment goals. Exercise specialist uses and combines different tools and procedures for balance training (exercises on hard floor, balance pad, air cushion, balance beam, balance boards, slackline ...). Balance exercises basically use person's body disturbance as a feedback for progression and diversity (different standing surfaces, cognitive and motoric tasks, head movements, eyes closed, changing centre of gravity). Slackline usually requires some previous basic balance training on hard floor and balance foam pad, but it is also possible to do a progression of exercises on a slackline.


We have indoor slackline Woodie in our climbing center Bolder Scena, and we use it for our climbing classes to improve focus, stability and overall proprioception of our customers. It works great for warming up, training or as a useful playground and training tool for the kids.


Čim sam postao bolji na početničkom slacklineu sam nabavio Balansin napredni. Koristim ga preko dvije godine, mehanizam i traka su u super stanju (osim što su zmazani :P). Tople preporuke, stvarno je užitak ga koristit, .


Woodie - indoor slackline offers a fun way of developing balance, coordination, strength, joint stabilisation and concentration. In our rehab and conditioning center Gibalna Klinika we use it all the time. People of all generations find it challenging and are happy to put their skills to the test. It is useful as a tool for conditioning training and rehabilitation after injuries. Due to the variety of exercises which are possible on Woodie, we can carry out the entire session with only one tool or include it in any type of training. It’s truly an incredible piece of fitness equipment. Dane Nemac Kinesiologist MSc




















The Woodie is great. The first thing I immediately liked was the use of wood which makes it an extremely "natural" object. Quality materials together with its simplicity of use make it an ideal tool for training for the Slack but not only. Great for muscle strengthening and balance! It has become an indispensable moment during my workouts


Odličan slackline


Nabavljali smo slackline za djecji vrtic i zahvaljujuci strucnoj preporuci, strpljenju i podrsci ekipe iz Balansa nasa djeca sad uzivaju razvijajuci nove vjestine u dvoristu vrtica.


Excellent online shop. Both slacklines that I bought are perfect. Staff is kind and ready to answer to all of your questions. I reccomend!




Slacline, ki sem ga kupil pri Balansi je za moje potrebe več kot odličen. Prodajalec se potrudi za vsako stranko. Res lepo.




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